Saturday, May 28, 2011

Weekly Run Log - May 22-28, 2011

05/22/2011: Ran up 7th again out of Leadville. Dropped my hat and tried to continue on snow to the Diamond Mine but that was a no go. Made for a heavy 7 mile run. Snowing and sunning intermittently. Less hip flexor pain this time! 1:19, 7.0+ miles, 800' vert.

05/25/2011: Ran the Powerlines from base. It was really nice being on the Leadville 100 Race Course again. I am still hesitant to run past the Private Property signs but I am staying on the road and I am still curious if someone is illegally posting a public way. Either way I ran it and did no harm. There was a stream to run through where 5A and the Powerlines road junction and the water was not so cold. It went up about mid-shin and was basically standing water. A neat addition to a run. There was also some snow drifts but those were smallish and most of the time I could run around them. A nice run that approached my "Puking Threshold". 1:17, 5.0 miles, 800' vert.

05/26/2011: Fivefingers run around the Fish Hatchery Loop. A classic. I went at dusk and had a hard time seeing and I was able to run through some snow drifts but all went really well (if really slowly when it got too dark to pick a good line. 0:36, 2.0 miles, 300' vert.

05/28/2011: 5th Ave (CR 1) as far as was plowed (just short of the junction with CR 38). I continued on to the junction to make it square. A great climb. Just wish it were plowed further. 1:02, 5.6 miles, 1,100' vert.

Weekly Summary: 19.6 miles, 3,000' vert

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