Monday, April 25, 2011

Weekly Run Log - Apr. 17-23, 2011

04/18/2011: Colorado Trail from Junction Creek in Durango. A pleasant short run. Great singletrack. Some day it would be nice to run more - at least up the switchbacks. First run since the "big hole." Felt great, actually! This has been the fastest recovery yet. No joint pain and only muscle pain. I wonder if it had something to do with the not-so-strenuous hike at the end of the big run. Now I have more questions than before I ran the r2r2r! 0:32, 3.2 miles, 350' vert.

04/20/2011: Ran an out-and-back section of the Collegiate Peaks Trail Run race course starting with trail 6037 then on to 1415, 375A, 375 and back. He running was fun, rolling and quite dry. It was a pleasant run on the ATV trails and road through Pinyon Pine and Juniper. The newly snow-covered Collegiates loomed large to the west and the foothills east of BV (Midland, Lenhardy) loomed directly above me though much smaller. 1:20, 5.0, 500' vert.

04/22/2011: Ran another section of the CPTR: 375A, 373, 311, 373 (to close the loop) and back out 375A. The scenery was great. Took a few pictures. The Collegiates are obscured by clouds dropping snow showers but all the hills to the east of the Arkansas River were fairly sunny. Extremely windy but what's new? Felt good though I was disappointed in the actual mileage when I drove the run afterward. 1:53, 9.6 miles, 1,300' vert.

04/23/2011: Fivefingers run from Turtle Rock to the beginning of 6037. Nice. 0:10, 1.0 miles, 50'

Weekly Summary: 18.8 miles, 2,200' vert.

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