Saturday, January 15, 2011

Weekly Run Log - Jan. 09-15, 2011

The two closest figures in the picture are my parents.

01/09/2011: My first run on the ocean in two years. Parked at the south end of the Hampton Beach strip and ran north on the beach until a residence area. I ran up onto Ocean Blvd. to cut around the residence area and, except for a short stretch where i tried to run on the rocks below the retaining wall, ended up running on the sidewalk the entire way to the end of the public area of Hampton Beach. On the way back I dropped down onto the beach area where there were hundreds of blocks to run. I suppose they were for erosion protection but I felt they provided a great running surface similar to rocks or other technical running challenges found in trail running. Afterward we (parents were there) found one one place to eat sea food called Ray's in Rye up 1A. The place had an ocean view and great fish and chips. 1:05, 6.0 miles, 50' vert. (up and down steps between the blvd and beach).

01/12/2011: A quick run down back to the McCabe Forest parking lot on mah's snowshoes. The running was pretty good as long as I stuck to the ski trail I put down earlier. I could feel it a little in my hips. Good strengthener of the hips. On the future runs I will need a track already beat down or I will want to create one before running it. 0:15, 0.5 miles, 50' vert.

Weekly run summary: 6.0 miles, 100' vert.

This week I didn't get to run much but the amount of cross training in the form of ski touring was pretty great. I have been working to beat down a path to the top of Crotched Mountain that I can run on again. Thursday (the day after an 18 inch dump - of snow that is) I was able to ski up to where Lower Link cuts back on its way to the ridge and Shannon's Trail. Saturday I was able to connect Crotched Mountain Town Forest with some snowshoe tracks on Shannon's and ski on to the summit. In fact I surprised myself by skiing back down to the parking lot. I scraped a large number of rocks but hey that is what it is like to be a backcountry skier in New England. I am surprised I didn't blow out an edge. On the way up I found some open, low-angle glades to get some exploring and some powder runs. Overall I would say that I skied about 8.0 miles today, 3.5 on Thursday, and 2.25 on Wednesday. This mileage, along with several hours of trail work with 4.0 or so miles of walking, two days of work, and six and a half miles of running made it a pretty big week fitness-wise. Overall I am happy with it and hope to get some running done this week once the trails are beat down a little.

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