10/17/2010: Bald Mountain loop near Willard Pond. Seriously technical seems to be the theme of trail running in the Northeast. Lots of roots and rocks to negotiate as well as steep trails. The going is slow. But the running is just as satisfying. I am convinced my joints will be in great shape when I go back to CO. The only question is where will I run when the trails are covered in snow? :42, 3.5 miles, 900' vert.
10/19/2010: Craig road/Girl Scout Trail in Fivefingers. :25, 2.0 miles, 150' vert.
10/20/2010: Wapack Trail from Old Road to North Pack and through to Pack Monadnock. Good running trail, steep in the north side of N. Pack but otherwise just enjoyably New England technical trail running. Good vert too in three good climbs. 2:00, 8.0 miles, 2,100' vert. A classic!
10/23/2010: From the cottage ran up the Goshen Trail to Sunapee's summit, down the north ridge by way of the Summit Trail and back by way of the Province Rd and Brook Rd. A great loop worth doing again. The 2 or so miles of road running detracted a small bit from the run as a whole but this run will be one of my "classics" for a long time. A dusting of snow at the summit and the snow-capped Whites in the distance reminded me that I need to get my turns this week. I might still make it! 1:47, 8.0'miles, 1,600' vert.
Week Totals: 21.5 miles, 4,750' vert.
Another good week of running though I would like to keep my weekly totals to about 20 miles until I decide to go about ramping up into serious training again. This will be hard because there are so many 8 to 10 mile runs I would like to do! One might say that these runs will always be there to be run but I don't know. So many of these trails run over private land. One never knows if a trail will be closed because a landowner decides it to be so...